Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Today's Deal Hang-Gliding Session from Fly Gravity Sports

$69 for a Tandem Hang-Gliding Session from Fly Gravity Sports in Hope ($168 Value) 

Before he discovered that audiences enjoyed breathtaking fencing duels, Shakespeare ended his plays by revealing that the villain was actually Mr. Wickles, the jilted horseminder. Add action to the scenes of your life with today’s Groupon: for $69, you get a winch-tow tandem hang-gliding session from Fly Gravity Sports (a $168 value) at the Hope Regional Airpark in Hope. 

Fly Gravity Sports launches the gravity-bound into the skies via professionally piloted tandem hang-gliding sessions. Following an extensive preglide briefing on flight procedure and safety measures, during which Groupon customers have the option to purchase an HD video of their flight with a $20 discount, would-be cloud surfers don helmets and aerodynamic plumage before being secured to the aircraft alongside instructor David Llewellyn, a hang glider with 15 years of experience. To lift off, the glider is pulled along, kite-like, by a winch, requiring no running start. Pilot/patron pairs reach an altitude of 750 feet or more, experiencing the exhilarating surge of awe familiar to majestic eagles and noble shopping bags on blustery days. Guests are given a chance to steer the aircraft or relax and absorb breathtaking bird's-eye views of the mountains of Fraser Valley. Finally, the pilot steers the glider back to earth's solid embrace.

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